March 2018 – Fourth transaction closed – NAP sells 50MW UK solar plant project

NAP successfully sold one of the first large scale subsidy free solar projects in the UK to Next Energy Capital, a leading specialist investment and asset manager in the solar sector.

The 50MW ground mounted PV solar plant is located at Little Stauchten Airfield.

NAP was able to create value from this project after several unsuccessful financing and sale attempts. The key to value creation here was rooted in a consistent, straight forward transaction approach. Sellers and buyers in the renewable energy space too often get hung up on particularities and personal optimisation. Doing what is best for the team or project means addressing value, price and risks openly at senior level and sticking to agreements.

Next Energy Capital emerged as the best owner of the project and convinced us with their professional approach and involvement of expert teams evaluating the project. Negotiations quickly turned into collaboration to get the project done, generating financial and sustainability returns for both local stakeholders, Next Energy Capital and NAP.

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