September/October 2017 – Third transaction closed – Telemedicineclinic and Unilabs form a winning team

NAP plays instrumental role in European Telemedicineclinic S.L.‘s (“TMC’s”), Europe’s leading teleradiology and telepathology provider, in finding a new strategic partner to continue its growth and technology development.

Unilabs Pathology SA (part of Unilabs group, an Apax portfolio company), decided to team up with the existing TMC team and purchased 100% of the outstanding share capital.

Nimble & Agile Partners AG acted as advisor to one of the former majority shareholders. Dominic was an active board member of TMC during more than four and a half years, helping the TMC team realize their ambitious growth targets. During this time, TMC grew revenues >3x leading to an attractive exit for all shareholders including NAP partners beating Cambridge Associates European small- & mid-cap return benchmarks despite significantly lower leverage risk.

Dominic took a leading role in the initial investment, the development of the US market entry strategy, and most importantly the artificial intelligence (AI) strategy in digital diagnostics leading to several investment opportunities. Dominic also established the first shareholder discussions among Apax and TMC’s shareholders, eventually leading to a successful exit.

NAP has been and remains a vivid backer of digital healthcare and hybrid human-AI service delivery models leading to increased patient value at lower cost and higher quality. TMC is a perfect case example of how technology can help solve (parts) of our healthcare system challenges.

We will continue to invest and enable companies in this space and hope the new TMC and Unilabs will become an even bigger part of the solution.

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