July 2017 – Second transaction closed – Zouk Capital advised fund invests GBP 30m in NAP portfolio company

Nimble & Agile Partners AG (“NAP”) is pleased to announce a substantial investment by Zouk Capital-managed fund REEIF II into NAP’s portfolio company Green Hedge Energy UK Ltd, a leader in the deployment of battery energy storage in Britain. The investment successfully illustrates the distinctive investment approach by NAP.

Green Hedge has a track record as a proactive disrupter in the clean energy market. Having developed and realised the first UK solar farms and market-leading “private wire” projects, Green Hedge applied their skills to apply big data and algorithmic learning approaches to yet another niche within the Energy sector: grid scale energy storage.

NAP enabled this transaction in record time. Green Hedge itself is technology-agnostic as it applies third party battery storage technology. The final value creation step came about when NAP purchased 100% of the share capital in spring 2017 and provided bridge financing taking an active role in identifying and negotiating with Zouk as the majority investment partner.

The follow-on investment by Zouk and NAP reflect a novel structure chosen to align interests between the operating team and the two investment teams while de-risking the capital commitments of all parties. Both NAP partners have active board roles and Niels will act as interim CEO, testimony to our entrepreneurial investing philosophy.

Alongside Zouk, NAP plans to lead the build-out and financing of what might become the most substantial, independent energy storage utility in the UK. The opportunity and transaction were identified, negotiated and closed in record times without foregoing extensive due diligence, possible only due to high degree of sector expertise of all parties involved and the customized NAP transaction structure.

Inasmuch as we expect our portfolio companies to “break the mould” and revolutionise the markets they operate in, we ourselves aspire to invest in creative new ways that protect our principal investment while creating uncapped upside.

To learn more about our partner and the Zouk team, please follow this link.

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